By incorporating locomotor skills into simple games and activities, children
develop chasing, fleeing, freezing, and dodging skills. Using these skills in games
helps children develop coordination, speed control, and spatial awareness.
Kindergarten has P.E. for 30 minutes three days/week.
In kindergarten, teachers use iPads to enrich and extend learning. Several apps
are used to develop collaborative learning. Teachers carefully monitor
screen-time as we focus on the very important growth and development of
social skills, peer interactions, and group dynamics.
Artist Alphabet — Cross-Curricular Learning
For each letter of the alphabet, children learn about a different
ar tist and create ar t in each ar tist's distinctive style. At the end of
the year, students act as "docents" and share their ar twork with
families at a Kindergar ten Ar t Gallery.
Kindergarteners have formal art class in the art room once a week for one hour.
Students learn basic elements of art such as line, shape, color, and texture. In
conjunction with their letter of the week lessons in Language Arts, students
create artwork pertaining
to an artist whose name
begins with the letter they
are studying. For example,
"M" provides lessons on
Impressionist artist Claude
Monet. All of the students'
artwork is on display at the
year-end Kindergarten
Artists Gallery. e students
also visit the National Gallery
of Art to view original
paintings and sculptures
studied in class.